Board Meetings Page Title



Theta Elders Association, Inc.
Annual Corporation Meeting Agenda
September 22, 2007     

Meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM by President Donaldson at the Laurel Pavilion in Wickham Park in East Hartford , CT.  

Roll Call by Ron Niederwerfer.

  • The Secretary called the role by passing a sign in sheet.

  • Directors in attendance: Doug Donaldson, Bob Kravecs, Ron Niederwerfer, Don Burr, Chris Heacox, Tom Stevens

  • Voting members in attendance: Steve Rogers

  • There were 11 undergraduate guests at the meeting.

Declaration of a Quorum by Doug Donaldson.

  • President Donaldson reviewed the role call and declared that a quorum was present.

Opening Ode

  • All of the Brothers joined in a spirited rendition of our gathering song.

Approval of Minutes from the last annual meeting.

  • The minutes of the 2006 annual meeting were approved as corrected to reflect Steve Rogers being present. Motion by Brother Tom Stevens. Second by Brother Bob Kravecs. Carried

President's report

  • President Donaldson thanked the Directors and Officers for their service again during the past year. He singled out Brothers Burr and Niederwerfer for their long term service and he presented each of them with a bottle of undrinkable swill labeled Zeta Psi red wine. He waxed eloquent about a pungent aroma reminiscent of gutter trash with a hint of hog waste.

Secretary's report:

  • Brother Niederwerfer made brief comments regarding the transcription of the old minutes. He also reported that the Grand Chapter contacted him requesting a vote on two proposed charterings at North Carolina State University and Oxford University. The vote will be taken during New Business.

Treasurer's report: Don Burr

  • Brother Burr distributed a written report for all of the TEA account balances.

  • General Checking Account - $3,528.27

  • Scholarship Checking Account - $0 account closed

  • Certificates of Deposit - $108,552.19

  • UCONN Foundation (Scholarship) - $0 account closed

  • UCONN Foundation (House Improvements) - $0 account closed

  • There are five certificates of deposit with rotating maturity dates approximately every three months. Interest rates range from 3.4% to 5.65%. One is with Bank of America, and the rest are with Countrywide Bank which has a branch near Don's home. Don recommended, and the Board approved, moving one CD away from the higher yield at Countrywide in order to keep our totals under the amount insured by the FDIC.

Housing Committee report

  • Brother Donaldson reported that there had been no action by the Housing Committee during the past year.


Website Report:  

  • Brother Joyce was unable to attend, but did forward the request that the Brotherhood record updates to their mailing address and email addresses via the TEA website Address Change page. The TEA is seeking to further extend their email listings in order to facilitate communications with the Brotherhood.

Investment Committee:

The committee chose not to reposition our assets during 2006. Everything was left in certificates of deposit for the time being.

Active Chapter Update:  

  • Joe Lauria, the undergraduate Phi, delivered an excellent summary of the Chapter's activities and membership (15 undergraduate members). A major debt to the Grand Chapter has been reduced from $9,000 to $3,000. Joe's three major goals were to retire the debt to the Grand Chapter; improve the image of the Chapter on campus; and to improve recruitment. To those ends the Chapter members now serve a minimum of 5 hours of community service each semester and the Chapter tapped in 8 new Pledges last week. Upcoming events include Oktoberfest on November 20 and Initiation on November 30 - December 1.

Theta Chapter Active Scholarship Grant:  

  • Brother Burr moved that we allocate $1,000 for a scholarship grant for 2008. Brother Niederwerfer seconded. The motion carried.

Theta Fund at International Headquarters: 

  • A restricted fund has been established at the Grand Chapter. Brothers who make gifts to the International Fraternity may wish to earmark their gifts to the Theta Fund. Brother Donaldson reminded the Brothers that this was not a tax deductible donation if it is made to the Fraternity. Gifts to the Educational Foundation are tax deductible but they cannot be used for non-educational purposes.


  • There was a 2006 motion approved to reimburse out of pocket expenses for undergraduates to attend a Leadership Training Institute; $100 reimbursements for each attendee capped at a maximum of three attendee's. The undergraduates should contact Brother Don Burr for payment following the LTI.


  • Motion for approval of Actions taken by TEA Board since last meeting.
    Motion: Bob Kravecs, Second: Don Burr. Motion carried.

  • Motion that TEA officers assist with collections for the recent graduates who still owe money to the Chapter.
    Motion: Ron Niederwerfer, Second: Steve Rogers. Motion carried.

  • Motion for authorization of up to $250 to support an Active Chapter website.
    Motion: Bob Kravecs, Second: Chris Heacox. Motion carried.

  • Brother Donaldson announced the recent Grand Chapter vote to approve a Colony of Zeta Psi at Oxford University. The installation is expected in March.

  • Brother Donaldson announced the TEA membership votes on the two proposed Charters during the past year. The TEA Board approved both colonization's. The historic nature of the Oxford Chartering was duly noted as another major "first" for Zeta Psi.

  • Motion that the TEA vote to approve the Chartering at both North Carolina State University and Oxford University.
    Motion: Ron Niederwerfer, Second: Don Burr. Motion carried.

  • Bob Kravecs volunteered to be the TEA liaison with the Active Chapter for a Spring Formal.

Election of Directors

  • The following Brothers were elected as Directors: Tom Stevens, Don Burr, Ron Niederwerfer, Geoff Preston, Adam Zandan, Doug Donaldson, Chris Heacox, Bob Kravecs
    The Brothers elected as directors select the officers and the remaining non-officers will serve as the directors.

HA Plaque

  • Brother Mike Donatelli was elected and honored in due form for his skill at hitching rides from calzone delivery drivers.

Good and welfare:

  • The gavel was not passed because the President failed to bring it. A salad serving spoon was deemed an appropriate substitute.

Closing Ode and Adjournment  

The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 PM  

Respectfully submitted in Tau Kappa Phi,  

Ron Niederwerfer


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last updated Saturday, May 10, 2008